Pentridge Trilogy Update:

Delays and glitches to receiving books from printer, and to getting a new launch venue after one that was arranged proved unsuitable after all. I did a reading with my Everyday Witch Tarot to see how I might get things resolved smoothly.

1. The present situation. Looks like someone’s sitting on my books! (OK, will chase 'em up again.)

2. The path to my goal. I can’t hurry things, have to wait and trust. (Confirmed. New venue helpful, anticipates no probs, but room hire person away till Mon.)

3. The challenge. I must overcome my sorrow. (Ah, so many causes for sorow recently, not all to do with this. Perhaps I am feeling too negative in general.)

4. What will help. I must remember all the many spiritual lessons I’ve learned. (Ah yes, I do have various techniques.)

5. The outcome. Celebrating with friends. It will all happen happily!